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Address Shop G 38 and G 18 Amal complex
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M.A. MOSCO INVESTMENT's store Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

To get discounts, Contact M.A. MOSCO INVESTMENT's store directly via 09090214404 or via our email, You can also come our shop at Shop G 38 and G 18 Amal complex.

No. when you see any product you like or you need similar product, just contact us directly via 09090214404 or via our email, You can also come our shop at Shop G 38 and G 18 Amal complex to place your order.

We at M.A. MOSCO INVESTMENT store will notify you once your order is on it's way to you, We give you updates in real time while your order is on it's way.

You pay with your mobile banking apps which is quite secured, you have to ensure you follow your bank safety guidelines to use your banking app in order to stay secured.

Please reach us directly for product return policy.

Please reach us directly for product return policy.

Bank transfers via bank apps, online transfers, USSD codes and bank deposits

We ship products to you via motorcyles and vehicles depending on the size of your purchase.

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